Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Vernia

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LaverneFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Laverne
LaverneLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Laverne
LaviniaFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Lavinia
LaviniaLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Lavinia
VerdaFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verda
VerdaLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verda
VernFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vern
VernEnglishFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vern
VernLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vern
VernaFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verna
VernaLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verna
VernalFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernal
VernalLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernal
VernayFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernay
VerneFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verne
VerneEnglishFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verne
VerneLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verne
VernetaFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verneta
VernetaLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verneta
VerneyFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verney
VerneyLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Verney
VernisFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernis
VernisLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernis
VernonFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernon
VernonEnglishFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernon
VernonLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Vernon
VirnaFrenchFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Virna
VirnaLatinFrom the alder grove, Spring-likePopularity of Virna