Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Philo

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MardianShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Mardian
Mark AntonyShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Mark Antony
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PhillyGreekLoves horsesPopularity of Philly
PhippsGreekLoves horsesPopularity of Phipps
ProculeiusShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Proculeius
ScarusShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Scarus
SeleucusShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Seleucus
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ThidiasShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Thidias
VarriusShakespearianAppeared in Antony & CleopatraPopularity of Varrius