Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Neason

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BonifaceAnglo-SaxonName of a saintPopularity of Boniface
BrandanIrishName of a saintPopularity of Brandan
CelsusIrishName of a saintPopularity of Celsus
ChadAnglo-SaxonName of a saintPopularity of Chad
DeaglanIrishName of a saintPopularity of Deaglan
EndaIrishName of a saintPopularity of Enda
FachnanIrishName of a saintPopularity of Fachnan
FelixAnglo-SaxonName of a saintPopularity of Felix
HieroIrishName of a saintPopularity of Hiero
MaugholdIrishName of a saintPopularity of Maughold
MogueIrishName of a saintPopularity of Mogue
NaalIrishName of a saintPopularity of Naal
NessanIrishName of a saintPopularity of Nessan
SativolaCelticName of a saintPopularity of Sativola
SwithunAnglo-SaxonName of a saintPopularity of Swithun
WilfridAnglo-SaxonName of a saintPopularity of Wilfrid