Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Kelvin

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CalbhachIrishBaldPopularity of Calbhach
CalloughIrishBaldPopularity of Callough
CalvaghIrishBaldPopularity of Calvagh
CalvinSpanishBaldPopularity of Calvin
CalvinLatinBaldPopularity of Calvin
CalvinniaLatinBaldPopularity of Calvinnia
CalvinoSpanishBaldPopularity of Calvino
CalvinoLatinBaldPopularity of Calvino
CalvynLatinBaldPopularity of Calvyn
KelCelticName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kel
KelGaelicName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kel
KelvanCelticName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelvan
KelvanGaelicName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelvan
KelvanEnglishRiver manPopularity of Kelvan
KelvenCelticName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelven
KelvenGaelicName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelven
KelvenEnglishRiver manPopularity of Kelven
KelvynCelticName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelvyn
KelvynGaelicName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelvyn
KelwinCelticName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelwin
KelwynCelticName of a river, From the narrow riverPopularity of Kelwyn
TardosHungarianBaldPopularity of Tardos