Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - J├╝rgen

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BartlettFrenchFarmerPopularity of Bartlett
BartoliSpanishFarmerPopularity of Bartoli
BartoloSpanishFarmerPopularity of Bartolo
BartolomeSpanishFarmerPopularity of Bartolome
BenkaminHebrewFarmerPopularity of Benkamin
BinyaminHebrewFarmerPopularity of Binyamin
BondEnglishFarmerPopularity of Bond
EgorGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Egor
GeordieGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Geordie
GeorgGermanFarmerPopularity of Georg
GeorgGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georg
GeorgeEnglishFarmerPopularity of George
GeorgeGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of George
GeorgesGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georges
GeorgiGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georgi
GeorgieGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georgie
GeorgioGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georgio
GeorgiusGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georgius
GeorgyGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Georgy
GiorgioGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Giorgio
GiorgisGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Giorgis
GoranGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Goran
GrangerEnglishFarmerPopularity of Granger
GrangereEnglishFarmerPopularity of Grangere
HoriPolynesianFarmerPopularity of Hori
JeorgGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jeorg
JerzyPolishFarmerPopularity of Jerzy
JerzyGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jerzy
JiriGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jiri
JorgeSpanishFarmerPopularity of Jorge
JorgeGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jorge
JorgenHebrewFarmerPopularity of Jorgen
JorgenGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jorgen
JorgesGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jorges
JorrinGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jorrin
JurGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jur
JurekGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jurek
JurgenGermanFarmerPopularity of Jurgen
JurgenGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jurgen
JurgiGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jurgi
JurikGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Jurik
JuroGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Juro
MayerGermanFarmerPopularity of Mayer
MayorGermanFarmerPopularity of Mayor
MayrGermanFarmerPopularity of Mayr
MeierGermanFarmerPopularity of Meier
MeirGermanFarmerPopularity of Meir
MeyerGermanFarmerPopularity of Meyer
MyerGermanFarmerPopularity of Myer
MyersonGermanFarmerPopularity of Myerson
ParlanGaelicFarmerPopularity of Parlan
ParlanScottishFarmerPopularity of Parlan
SeiorseGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Seiorse
ToliSpanishFarmerPopularity of Toli
YegorGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yegor
YorickScandinavianFarmerPopularity of Yorick
YoyiGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yoyi
YuraGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yura
YurchikGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yurchik
YuriGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yuri
YurikGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yurik
YurkoGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yurko
YushaGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Yusha
ZhorkaGreekFarmer, To work the earthPopularity of Zhorka