Baby Names with Similar Meanings

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AcelinTeutonicNoblePopularity of Acelin
AcelineFrenchNoblePopularity of Aceline
AdalbeorhtEnglishNoblePopularity of Adalbeorht
AdalbrechtaEnglishNoblePopularity of Adalbrechta
AdaliGermanNoblePopularity of Adali
AdaliaGermanNoblePopularity of Adalia
AdalieGermanNoblePopularity of Adalie
AdowaAfricanNoblePopularity of Adowa
AeldraEnglishNoblePopularity of Aeldra
AilisCelticNoblePopularity of Ailis
AilisaIrishNoblePopularity of Ailisa
AiliseIrishNoblePopularity of Ailise
AkelaHawaiianNoblePopularity of Akela
AlbertaEnglishNoblePopularity of Alberta
AlberteenEnglishNoblePopularity of Alberteen
AlbertinaEnglishNoblePopularity of Albertina
AlbertineEnglishNoblePopularity of Albertine
AlbertineSpanishNoblePopularity of Albertine
AlbertynaEnglishNoblePopularity of Albertyna
AlbertyneEnglishNoblePopularity of Albertyne
AldoraEnglishNoblePopularity of Aldora
AlfonsineGermanNoblePopularity of Alfonsine
AlhertinaSpanishNoblePopularity of Alhertina
AliceCelticNoblePopularity of Alice
AlitaSpanishNoblePopularity of Alita
AlphonsineGermanNoblePopularity of Alphonsine
AlysCelticNoblePopularity of Alys
ArdraCelticNoblePopularity of Ardra
ArthurineEnglishNoblePopularity of Arthurine
DellEnglishNoblePopularity of Dell
DellGermanNoblePopularity of Dell
DellaEnglishNoblePopularity of Della
EalgaIrishNoblePopularity of Ealga
EdolieEnglishNoblePopularity of Edolie
EilisIrishConsecrated to GodPopularity of Eilis
ElbertinaSpanishNoblePopularity of Elbertina
ElicaGermanNoblePopularity of Elica
ElisaFrenchConsecrated to GodPopularity of Elisa
ElisabethFrenchConsecrated to GodPopularity of Elisabeth
EliseFrenchConsecrated to GodPopularity of Elise
ElizaFrenchConsecrated to GodPopularity of Eliza
ElmiraEnglishNoblePopularity of Elmira
ElmyraEnglishNoblePopularity of Elmyra
ElshaCelticNoblePopularity of Elsha
ElshaGermanNoblePopularity of Elsha
ElsjeGermanNoblePopularity of Elsje
EtelHebrewNoblePopularity of Etel
EthelEnglishNoblePopularity of Ethel
EthelGermanNoblePopularity of Ethel
EthelHebrewNoblePopularity of Ethel
EtilkaHebrewNoblePopularity of Etilka
EugeniaFrenchNoblePopularity of Eugenia
GustelGermanNoblePopularity of Gustel
HeidaGermanNoblePopularity of Heida
HeidiGermanNoblePopularity of Heidi
HildGermanNoblePopularity of Hild
HildaGermanNoblePopularity of Hilda
HildeGermanNoblePopularity of Hilde
IlyseGermanNoblePopularity of Ilyse
IrihapetiMaoriConsecrated to GodPopularity of Irihapeti
IseabalScottishConsecrated to GodPopularity of Iseabal
IsibealIrishConsecrated to GodPopularity of Isibeal
IsobelScottishConsecrated to GodPopularity of Isobel
LisScandinavianConsecrated to GodPopularity of Lis
LisaHebrewConsecrated to GodPopularity of Lisa
LisettaHebrewConsecrated to GodPopularity of Lisetta
LisetteHebrewConsecrated to GodPopularity of Lisette
MoinaIrishNoblePopularity of Moina
MoynaIrishNoblePopularity of Moyna
NoleneEnglishNoblePopularity of Nolene
PadraiginIrishNoblePopularity of Padraigin
PatriceFrenchNoblePopularity of Patrice
SharifahArabicNoblePopularity of Sharifah