Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Desideria

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AbhilashaIndianDesirePopularity of Abhilasha
DesiFrenchSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desi
DesiLatinSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desi
DesiraeFrenchSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desirae
DesiraeLatinSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desirae
DesireEnglishSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desire
DesireeFrenchSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desiree
DesireeLatinSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desiree
DesiriFrenchSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desiri
DesiriLatinSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desiri
DesyreEnglishSo long hoped for, Crave, DesirePopularity of Desyre
KamnaIndianDesirePopularity of Kamna
MunaArabicDesirePopularity of Muna